Ensure that a balanced approach to housing, jobs/economic development, services, and infrastructure needs are incorporated into community and corridor plans. The plan updates would achieve mixed-use and transit-oriented development within existing population centers. Updates would include:
defining core areas within the plan areas that would include affordable housing units and mixed-use development with possible mechanisms to increase density;
including “complete streets” with sidewalk and bike lane improvements; and
including information on public amenities and community services in the core area, which could include parks, libraries, schools, or community centers.
To help streamline the development application and review process, staff may recommend incorporating the revised community and corridor plans into the General Plan as part of a comprehensive update.
Timeframe: Midterm
GHG Reduction Potential: Not quantified
Sector: Vehicles - On-Road
Target Indicator: Update of all community and corridor plans in urban areas by 2030 to include the features described in the implementation section.
Status of Implementation
The Planning and Environmental Review Division and County Department of Transportation have received Green Means Go and Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning grant funding to implement this measure on the North Watt Avenue Corridor Plan/SPA. The North Watt Avenue Corridor Plan area covers two of the infill growth areas identified by SACOG in the 2040 MTP/SCS Preferred Land Use Scenario: North Watt and West of Watt area (2,100 additional jobs and 3,600 additional dwelling units) and the Blue Line Station Area – Roseville Road/Watt area (690 additional jobs and 670 additional dwelling units). This is the largest potential infill growth area in unincorporated Sacramento County. PER participated in successfully lobbying the State Legislature to keep the majority of Green Means Go funding intact in the State's FY 24/25 budget. PER has selected AECOM to assist with updating the North Watt Avenue Corridor Plan. PER is also updating the Stockton Boulevard Special Planning Area ordinance to ensure a consistent approach to land use and zoning regulations in this commercial corridor shared with the City of Sacramento. Updated 7/2/24.