
Encourage Use of Electric or Sustainably Fueled Construction Equipment


The County will encourage new development projects to use electrically powered or sustainably fueled construction equipment wherever feasible.

​​​​​Not Started

The efforts for this measure have not started. ​​


In the CALGreen ordinance prepared for Board of Supervisors review under GHG-05, include language that requires submitted documentation for applicable construction projects to include information on the use of electric or sustainably fueled construction equipment under the Innovative Concepts and Local Environmental Conditions provisions contained in Section A4.306.1 of CALGreen.

Timeframe: Near term, concurrent with Board of Supervisors’ consideration of CALGreen Tier 1 reach code under GHG-05; no later than December 2022 or 6 months after the availability of a cost-effectiveness study (if available), whichever is later.

GHG Reduction Potential: Not quantified

Sector: Vehicles - Off-Road

Target Indicator: 5 percent of construction equipment converted to electric or renewable diesel by 2025 and 10 percent of construction equipment converted to electric or renewable diesel by 2030.​

Status of Implementation

The Planning and Environmental Review Division routinely implements SMAQMD's Guide to Air Quality Assessment and Basic Construction Emission Control Practices (B​est Management Practices) for projects requiring environmental review under CEQA. Staff continues to monitor implementation of CARB's In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation (Off-Road Regulation).

Updated 7/5/2024.