The County will initiate an effort to explore a potential amendment to the Zoning Code to include a permitting pathway for carbon capture and sequestration projects.
Identify, through the Zoning Code amendment evaluation process, the appropriate permitting pathway and hearing body for carbon capture and sequestration projects, and include research on any potential safety and environmental impact concerns associated with various technology solutions. In addition, identify any appropriate permitting pathway (if necessary) for composting and other agricultural sequestration practices identified in GHG-01.
Timeframe: Near term
GHG Reduction Potential: Not quantified
Sector: Multiple
Target Indicator: Research is complete and recommendation of next steps are determined.
The Planning and Environmental Review Division received budget in FY 24/25 to complete this Zoning Code amendment. A work plan is being developed, and formal outreach will begin in early 2025.
Updated 9/17/24.