Task Force Agenda
To view the Task Force meeting agendas and information, visit the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors' website. Have questions about the Task Force? Email John Lundgren at lundgrenj@saccounty.gov.
Climate Emergency Response Plan (CERP)
The curent version of the CERP was adopted by the Task Force on August 8, 2024. The recorded meeting, materials, and comments letters may be located on the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors' website for the August 8, 2024 meeting.
Task Force Members
Technical Members
- Kaylee Rodrigues (air quality)
- Sharon Merker (agriculture)
- VACANT (built environment)
- Roslyn Roberts (economics)
- Jennifer Venema (energy)
- Ghazan Khan (transit/transportation) khan@csus.edu
Environmental Justice Members
Task Force Leadership, Subcommittees and Advisory Panels
Chair and Vice Chair
Transportation Technical Advisory Panel
Open Positions
The Built Environment technical membership postision is curently vacant and open for application until filled. Interested candidates should complete an application and send a 500-word or less statement of interest and qualifications to John Lundgren at lundgrenj@saccounty.gov.
About the Task Force
On December 16, 2020, the Board of Supervisors (Board) adopted a Resolution declaring a climate emergency and directing the formation of a permanent Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force.
On March 23, 2022, the Board approved a resolution that set the Task Force composition and compensation and directed the Sustainability Manager to begin a public application process to fill member seats. The Board, at its Aug. 9 meeting, voted to appoint 13 members to the newly created Task Force. At its Nov. 10, 2022, meeting, the Task Force endorsed their guiding principles and approved their bylaws.