Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force

Climate Task Force Now Recruiting

Sacramento County is recruiting for the Energy position on the Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force. Applications are being accepted until August 2, 2024.

  • ​The Energy position serves a two-year term and focuses on the connections between energy production, usage, and GHG emissions, and assesses policies and incentives for GHG reductions.​ 

How To Apply

To apply, please fill out the application below​ and submit it along with a 350-word personal statement via email to, or via mail to:

Sacramento County
Attn: Jason Scott-Sheets, Sustainability Program
700 H St., Suite 7650
Sacramento, CA 95814

Read the application instructions here​

Technical Member

​Task Force Agenda

To view the Task Force meeting agendas and information, visit the Clerk of the Boa​rd of Supervisors' website​Have questions about the Task Force? Email John Lundgren at

Upcoming Events

There are currently no scheduled events. Check back soon for upcoming events. ​

​​​Task Force Members

  • Technical Expertise Members 
    • VACANT (expertise: air quality) 
    • Austin Miller (expertise: agriculture) 
    • VACANT (expertise: built environment) 
    • Roslyn Roberts (expertise: economics) 
    • Kevin Head (expertise: energy) 
    • Ghazan Khan (expertise: transit/transportation)
  • Environmental Justice Members
    • Timothy Irvine ​

    • Saheb Gulati​​
    • Nicolas G​arcia
    • Ajay Singh
    • Kathleen Stricklin
    • Viviana Garcia​
  • Youth Member
    • Anna Larson

Task Force Leadership, Subcommittees and Advisory Panels

  • Chair and Vice Chair 

Chair: Timothy Irvine - 

Vice Chair: Sup​riya Patel 


  • Energy Technical Advisory Panel

Ch​air: Kevin Head -

  •  ​Transportation Technical Advisory Panel 

Chair: Ghazan Khan 

About the Task Force

On December 16, 2020, the Board of Supervisors (Board) adopted a Resolution declaring a climate emergency and directing the formation of a permanent Climate Emergency Mobilization Ta​sk Force.

On March 23, 2022, the Board approved a resolution that set the Task Force composition and compensation and directed the Sustainability Manager to begin a public application process to fill member seats. The Board, at its Aug. 9 meeting, voted to appoint 13 members to the newly created Task Force. At its Nov. 10, 2022, meeting, the Task Force endorsed their guiding principles and approved their bylaws