Carbon Farming Resources

A number of organizations, agencies, and universities are collecting data, sharing guides, and offering scientific and technical assistance to help farmers and ranchers implement regenerative agriculture in their operations. Visit the sources below to learn even more about the details of carbon farming and how it can help you.

Resource Conservation Districts (Sloughhouse)
  • California's resource conservation districts (RCDs) are special districts established as go-to hubs for assistance with natural resource conservation and agricultural issues. They connect and provide communities with educational resources, local experts, and technical assistance for services including healthy soils, landscape conservation planning, habitat restoration, and more.
  • Sloughhouse RCD provides these services for farmers and ranchers in their service area within Sacramento County. The district provides an option to work with farmers on developing agricultural conservation plans and provide technical assistance for implementing them. Visit the Sloughhouse RCD website to get assistance with developing your own carbon farming conservation plan and learn more about their healthy soils programs.
Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
  • California State University: Chico's Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems (CRARS) develops and educates about regenerative agricultural practices. CRARS builds networks and teams that include farmers and ranchers as research partners to investigate innovative and practical methods for regenerating soil and rural communities. Visit their website for information, research, data, technical assistance, and resources about regenerative agriculture.
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
  • Western SARE is a program of the US Department of Agriculture's National Institute for Food & Agriculture that promotes stewardship of natural resources. The program supports site-specific, regional, and profitable sustainable farming and ranching methods to maintain and enhance soil quality, enhance quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and rural communities, and examine the implications of adopting sustainable agricultural practices.
Carbon Cycle Institute
  • The Carbon Cycle Institute (CCI) is a non-profit organization that works to support and coordinate farmers and ranchers, public agencies, researchers, and businesses in implementing a land management framework organized around the carbon cycle. CCI staff provide scientific and technical expertise, training and educational services, and planning assistance for developing carbon farming plans.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides personalized advice to producers and their communities to develop the best solutions for their unique conservation and business goals. Producers can work with their local NRCS field office to learn more about conservation and regenerative agriculture in their area and get assistance with creating their own conservation plans. Visit the NRCS Resources center for guides and data about conservation practices. Contact Sacramento's NRCS Field Office to learn how they can work with you specifically.
USDA California Climate Hub
  • The US Department of Agriculture's California Climate Hub develops region-specific science-based information and delivers it to natural resource and agricultural managers. Visit their website to access more information about carbon farming and other conservation topics.